April 3, 2014

Little Houses in a Shirt

the shirt.

a detail of back interfacing and shoulder strap.

a detail of the houses and bottom hem.

February 9, 2014

Can't I Garden Yet?

Mrs. Frizzle, my teaching wardrobe inspiration...
the top in process.
a little broccoli family.
Radish, loves to climb.

nasturtium & peas
Turnip, just cleaning out the old branches.

January 11, 2014

To the sun and back...

Joshua Tree, CA

Point Reyes, CA

Point Reyes, CA

Death Valley, CA

Death Valley, CA

The Grand Canyon, AZ

The Grand Canyon, AZ

The Farm, AZ

Tempe, AZ

Tempe, AZ

The Farm, AZ

South Mountain, AZ

Tempe, AZ

Joshua Tree, CA

Joshua Tree & Me

November 17, 2013

A Hike in the Arboretum

ribbon striped.

the leaves of fall.
weeping beech tree.

February 14, 2013

The Homemade Loom

the loom.
homemade heddle.
the shed stick in action.

January 26, 2013

Project: Sewing

detail of top front.

the finished dress.

December 13, 2012

Bread & Butter

Today, in my continuous attempts to become more self-sufficient, I made bread and butter. It feels so satisfying to finally know how butter is made! Also, my first bite of homemade bread and butter, was... O, SO GOOD.

Having already made bread before, I thought I remembered most of the recipe... however, after kneading and setting the dough to rise, I realized I forgot to add milk! Just to note, I made enough dough for 4 loaves of bread. Oh-NO0oo! I dashed over to my computer, remember "attempts" to become self-sufficient, and found this lovely video that set my heart at ease. vegan bread = no milk HOORAY!

Now, perhaps after my wonderful success, you would like to try? The bread and butter recipes are below....

One Loaf of Bread.
1 package dry yeast (or 2 1/4tsp yeast)
1 cup warm water
5 tsp sugar
1 tsp salt
5 tsp melted butter
2 1/2 - 3 1/2 cup flour (white, wheat, or mix-it-up)
1 wooden spoon
1 mixing bowl & towel
1 loaf tin
1 oven (haha)

1. Mix the yeast with warm water (not to cold, not to hot, yeast is very particular)!
2. Mix the yeast until it dissolves in the water.
3. Add in sugar, salt, and melted butter, stirring the whole time!
4. Add the flour 1 cup at a time, be sure to mix it!
5. Once the flour is mixed it seems as though the dough is clumped to your spoon.
6. Knead for about 10 minutes.
7. Let it rise in a warm place for 1 hour (place your towel over the dough).
8. Knead the dough into a loaf shape!
9. Let it rise in the loaf tin for 1 hour (use the same warm place and towel).
10. BAKE! 400 degrees for 30 mins.

A Little Jar of Butter.
1 pint of organic heavy whipping cream
1 mixing bowl
1 mixer
1 spatula
ice water
extra jars

1. Start mixing the heavy cream, medium speed, about 10mins.
2. The cream will turn fluffy, then clumpy. When it's clumpy, start mixing by hand.
3. Buttermilk will collect at the bottom of the bowl. Pour this off into your extra jar and use it for baking!
4. With your spatula, start squeezing out the buttermilk.
5. After most of the buttermilk is gone, you need to wash the butter (to keep it from spoiling).
6. To wash, add 1/2 cup of ice water and press the butter and water against the side of the bowl.
7. Pour off the cloudy water. Repeat until the ice water stays clear.
8. Enjoy it in your frig up to 1 week, in your freezer up to 6 mos!

Just to note, about 1 cup of cream = 1/2 cup of butter and 1/2 cup of buttermilk